TUW Colloquium
Agenda 2022
10:00-10:10AM: | Welcome and Introduction (Dr. Aldwin Domingo-Associate Provost; Director of School of Psychology, TUW) |
10:10-10:40 AM | Dr. Nicholas Murray (Adjunct Faculty, School of Psychology and Business TUW) Topic: Gaze Control and Tactical Decision Making Under Stress: Use of Force Response in Active Duty Police Officers |
10:40-10:45 AM | Break |
10:45-11:15 AM | Dr. Nelson Perez (Adjunct faculty, The Edith Neumann School Health and Human Services TUW) Topic: Cuban Doctors and their Families in Miami: A Migratory and Acculturation Perspective |
11:15-11:20 AM | Break |
11:20-11:50AM | Dr. Glenn Zimmerman (Interim Director, Doctorate of Business Administration, School of Business TUW) Topic: Differential Impact of the Perception of Ethical Climates upon Job Satisfaction Among Different Types of Employees |
11:50-12:00 AM | Closing Remarks: (Dr. Shelia Lewis-Provost TUW; Dr. Aldwin Domingo-Associate Provost; Director of School of Psychology, TUW) |
Agenda 2021
10:00-10:10AM: | Welcome and Introduction (Dr. Shelia Lewis-Provost TUW) Moderator remarks (Dr. Aldwin Domingo-Associate Provost; Director of School of Psychology, TUW) |
10:10-10:40 AM | Dr. Liesl Nydegger (The Edith Neumann School Health and Human Services, TUW) Topic: HIV Prevention among Women of Color at High Risk for HIV |
10:40-10:45 AM | Break |
10:45-11:15 AM | Dr. Valerie Handley (Adjunct faculty, The Edith Neumann School Health and Human Services, TUW) Topic: Solution Focused Behavioral Therapy and Couples with a Child with Autism: A Grounded Theory Study |
11:15-11:20 AM | Break |
11:20-11:50AM | Dr. Donald Buresh (Adjunct Faculty, School of Business TUW) Topic: Should personal information and biometric data be protected under a comprehensive Federal privacy statute that uses the California consumer privacy statute and the Illinois biometric information privacy act as model laws? |
11:50-12:00 AM | Closing Remarks: (Dr. Shelia Lewis-Provost TUW; Dr. Aldwin Domingo-Associate Provost; Director of School of Psychology, TUW) |
Agenda 2020
10:00-10:10AM: | Welcome and Introduction (Dr. Shelia Lewis—Provost TUW) Moderator remarks (Dr. Aldwin Domingo–Director of School of Psychology, TUW) |
10:10-10:40 AM | Dr. Brian Shrawder (The Edith Neumann School Health and Human Services, TUW) Topic: Dual-Trauma Couples and Traumatic Stress |
10:40-10:45 AM | Break |
10:45-11:15 AM | Dr. Jennifer Shoemaker (School of Psychology, TUW) Topic: Comparing the Parent-Child Relationship in Adolescence versus Emerging Adulthood |
11:15-11:20 AM | Break |
11:20-11:50AM | Dr. Kristina Voyna (Alumni, PsyD in Human and Organizational Psychology, TUW) Topic: Impact of Psychological Capital on the Relationship Between Organizational Justice and Job Satisfaction |
11:50-12:20PM | Faculty Open Discussion Reflecting on the State of Higher Education in 2020 |
12:20-12:30 AM | Closing Remarks: (Dr. Shelia Lewis – Provost TUW; Dr. Aldwin Domingo – Director of School of Psychology, TUW) |
Agenda 2019
10:00-10:10AM: | Welcome and Introduction (Dr. Shelia Lewis—Provost TUW) Moderator remarks (Dr. Aldwin Domingo–Director of School of Psychology, TUW) |
10:10-10:40 AM | Dr. Donald Buresh (School of Business, TUW) Topic: A Comparison between the European and the American Approaches to Privacy. |
10:45-10:50 AM | Break |
10:50-11:20 AM | Dr. Jennifer Whitmon (Health and Human Services, School of Business TUW) Topic: Surfaceome Analysis Protocol for the Identification of Novel Bordetella pertussis Antigens. |
11:20-11:25 AM | Break |
11:25-11:55 AM | Dr. Weston Crafton (Health and Human Services, TUW) Topic: Exploration of the Construction and Operationalization of Gender roles within Millennial Relationships: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis |
11:55-12:00 PM | Break |
12:00-12:30 AM | Dr. Darren Moore (Health and Human Services, TUW) Topic: Male Bariatric Patients, Six Years Later: Where are they Now? Closing Remarks: Dr. Shelia Lewis (Provost TUW) and Dr. Aldwin Domingo (Director of School of Psychology, TUW) |
Agenda 2018
10:00- 10:10 AM: | Welcome and Introduction (Dr. Shelia Lewis—Provost TUW) Moderator remarks (Dr. Aldwin Domingo–Director of School of Psychology, TUW) |
10:10-10:40 AM | Dr. Betty Perez-Rivera (Adjunct faculty, Health Science, TUW) Topic: A Mixed-Method Exploratory Study to Increase Health Literacy Using an Anti-Smoking Curriculum |
10:45-10:55 AM | Break |
10:55-11:35 AM | Dr. Charles Russo (Adjunct Faculty, Business, TUW) Topic: Influence of Individual and Socio-cultural Characteristics on Ethical Decision-Making Among Students |
11:35-11:45 AM | Break |
11:45-12:40 PM | Dr. Andrew Jackson (PsyD in Human and Organizational Psychology Alumni, TUW) Topic: Mental models, systems thinking and decision-making perception among Project Managers Closing Remarks: Dr. Shelia Lewis (Provost TUW) and Dr. Aldwin Domingo (Director of School of Psychology, TUW) |
Agenda 2017
10:00- 10:10 AM: | Welcome and Introduction (Dr. Shelia Lewis—Associate Provost for Quality Assurance Director, School of Business and Management) Moderator remarks (Dr. Aldwin Domingo–Director of School of Psychology, TUW) |
10:10-10:40 AM | Dr. Dan Sharir (Adjunct faculty, Health Science and Psychology programs, TUW) Topic: The link between Therapists’ Social Class attributions and Treating Clients of Low Socioeconomic Status |
10:40-10:50 AM | Break |
10:50-11:20 AM | Dr. Denise Mayo Moore (Director of the BSW program, TUW) Topic: Words of Freedom: The Impact of an Intervention program upon the Literacy Rate of 3rd grade African American students |
11:20-11:30 AM | Break |
11:30-12:00 PM | Dr. Irina Eremia Bragin (Chair, English Dept., TCLA) Topic: Essays That Feed the Soul: Inspiring students to write essays that entertain, engage and elevate Closing Remarks: Dr. Aldwin Domingo (Director of School of Psychology, TUW) |
Dr. Dan Sharir (Adjunct faculty, Health Science and Psychology programs, TUW)
- Dr. Sharir is an experienced clinician and licensed in New York State as a Mental Health Counselor.
- He earned his first doctoral degree in the field of International Health from Touro University International. He researched the quality of life of clients from different backgrounds in residential care who suffer from mental illness.
- He also conducted a research project on the impact of childhood bullying on anxiety levels.
- In 2017, Dr. Sharir completed his PhD at Walden University in Clinical psychology.
- Contact: dan.sharir@tuw.edu
Dr. Denise Mayo (Director of the BSW program, TUW)

- She received her Ph.D from Psychology from Walden University
- Her subject matter expertise is in the human and social services field.
- She has given many professional presentations (ex. Poverty Awareness, Learning Styles, Suicide Prevention, mandated reporting and Cultural Competency)
- In addition, Dr. Moore also has a consulting service MOORE FOR YOUR NEEDS created in 1995 provide support for nonprofit organizations.
- Contact: denise.mayo@tuw.edu
Dr. Irina Eremia Bragin (Chair, English Dept., TCLA)
- Dr. Bragin received her Ph.D in English from UCLA and taught a variety of writing and literature courses for UCLA’s Writing Programs.
- Dr. Bragin is also a memoir writer, essayist and playwright.
- She has published her works in The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, The Reader’s Digest, The Jerusalem Post, The Jewish Journal, The Forward and Inside Higher Education.
- Contact: irina.bragin@gmail.com
Dr. Betty Perez-Rivera (Adjunct faculty, Health Science, TUW)
- Dr. Perez-Rivera has many years of experience in the realms of diversified leadership and high level management, health administration, program development, and budget oversight.
- She earned 2 Masters Degrees (Health & Behavior Studies and Allied Health Services Administration) and a doctoral degree (Health & Behavior Studies).
- She currently serves as the Director of at Health Literacy/Patient and Family Education at the New York University Langone Medical Center.
- She has extensively published on the impact of smoking on the pediatric population along with health literacy efforts towards the same population
- Contact: betty.perezrivera@tuw.edu
Dr. Charles Russo (Adjunct faculty, Business, TUW)
- Prior to entering into academia, Dr. Russo had a long career as part of the United States Intelligence Community and Federal Bureau of Investigation Intelligence Analyst in the field of criminal and national security intelligence analysis, including homeland security, financial crimes, and terrorism.
- He received his Masters Degree in Intelligence Studies (from the American Military University) and a Doctorate Degree in Public Safety Leadership (from Capella University)
- He has presented various conferences on the topics related to national security issues, counterterrorism or financial fraud.
- Contact: Charles.russo@tuw.edu
Dr. Andrew Jackson (TUW PsyD Alumni)
- Dr. Jackson has served in the United States Army Corp of Engineers.
- He previously earned a Bachelor’s degree from West Virginia University (with a focus on Interdisciplinary Studies in the Behavioral and Social Sciences) and a Master in Health Sciences from Touro University Worldwide. Furthermore, he also recently finished his PsyD in Human and Organizational Psychology form Touro University Worldwide.
- His research interests are focused on the topic of decision making-process between stakeholders along with the field of social and behavioral epidemiology.
- Contact: asazeev@gmail.com
Dr. Donald Buresh (Adjunct Faculty, School of Business TUW)
- Dr. Buresh has over 25 years of experience in information technology in small and Fortune 500 companies, including project management, software engineering, software quality assurance, and configuration management.
- He has previously earned a Master of Arts in Economics from Boston College, a Master of Business Administration from University of Massachusetts Lowell, a Master of Professional Studies from Utica College, a Doctorate in Management of Engineering and Technology from Northcentral University and a Juris Doctorate from The John Marshall Law School
- Over 10 years of teaching experience in the field of Business and Management
- Contact: donald.buresh@tuw.edu
Dr. Jennifer Whitmon (Adjunct faculty, The Edith Neumann School Health and Human Services and the School of Business and Management, TUW)
- Dr. Whitmon has over 20 years’ experience in public health with the Federal government. The majority of her career was spent as a Microbiologist with respiratory pathogens in the areas of diagnostics and infectious diseases. She currently works at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- She holds a Doctorate in Health Science with a concentration in global health from Nova Southeastern University, a Master’s degree in Science Education from Clark Atlanta University and a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Alabama State University.
- In addition, Dr. Whitmon is a certified health coach and specializes in reducing chronic diseases in middle aged-adults born in Southern states.
- Contact: Jennifer.whitmon@tuw.edu
Dr. Weston Crafton (Adjunct faculty, The Edith Neumann School Health and Human Services, TUW)
- Dr. Crafton has extensive experience in the field of counseling as a Licensed Marital & Family Therapist.
- He previously earned both a Master in Marriage and Family Therapy and a Doctorate in Marriage and Family Therapy from Northcentral University.
- He is currently serves as the Director of The Refuge Center for Counseling located in Franklin, Tennessee.
- His specialization in therapeutic methods include Solution-Focused Therapy, Narrative Therapy, Internal Family Systems Therapy, and EMDR.
- Contact: Weston.crafton@tuw.edu
Dr. Darren Moore (Professor, The Edith Neumann School Health and Human Services, TUW)

Darren Moore
- Dr. Moore is the Director of the Marriage and Family Therapy Program at Touro University Worldwide and is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
- Dr. Moore obtained his Ph.D. in Human Development: Marriage and Family Therapy from Virginia Tech, his Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy from Valdosta State University, and his BA in African American Studies from University of Minnesota.
- His areas of research, teaching, and clinical focus include obesity, weight loss, eating disorders, and related addictions, within individual, couple, and family relationships, with an emphasis on health disparities among men, African American families, and other unique and/or marginalized populations.
- Contact: darren.moore@tuw.edu
Dr. Brian Shrawder (Adjunct faculty, The Edith Neumann School Health and Human Services, TUW)
- Dr. Shrawder has extensive experience in the field of counseling as a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist.
- He previously earned both a Master in Marriage and Family Therapy at Capella University and a Doctorate in Marriage and Family Therapy Specializing in Couples Therapy from Northcentral University.
- He currently works at an outpatient counseling center in Wellsboro, PA.
- His specialization in therapeutic methods include Solution-Focused Therapy, Narrative Therapy, Cognitive Processing therapy and Clinical hypnosis NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming).
- Contact: Shrawder.brian@tuw.edu
Dr. Jennifer Shoemaker (Adjunct faculty, Psychology, TUW)
- Dr. Shoemaker earned her Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology with specialization in Child, Adolescent, Couple, and Family Therapy from Chestnut Hill College in Philadelphia.
- She has been teaching in higher education for 15 years.
- Her previous clinical work focused on children and adolescents with severe behavioral problems including individual, group, family, and play therapies.
- Her main research interest is parenting issues.
- Contact: Jessica.Shoemaker@tuw.edu
Dr. Kristina Voyna (Alumni, PsyD in Human and Organizational Psychology, TUW)
- Dr. Voyna has been employed with a Fortune 500 company for 20 years.
- Currently, she serves as an HR Project Manager.
- Prior to earning her PsyD from TUW, she previously earned a Bachelor degree from Wartburg College (with a double major in Business Management and Psychology) and a Master in Business Administration from the University of Iowa.
- Her research interests include psychological capital and organizational justice, and she is also passionate about psychological safety and diversity, equity, and inclusion within corporations.
- Contact: voynak@yahoo.com
Dr. Liesl Nydegger (Adjunct faculty, The Edith Neumann School Health and Human Services, TUW)
- Dr. Nydegger earned her Ph.D. in Health Promotion Sciences with a concentration in Global Health, and her Master’s in Public Health in Health Promotion, Education, and Evaluation from Claremont Graduate University, School of Community and Global Health.
- In 2015, Dr. Nydegger was awarded a 2-year Ruth L. Kirschstein Institutional National Research Service Award Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at the Center for AIDS Intervention Research at the Medical College of Wisconsin.
- Dr. Nydegger was awarded a Fulbright-Fogarty Fellowship in 2012-2013 that took place in Durban, South Africa.
- Dr. Nydegger’s research interests focus on sexual health equity among vulnerable and underserved populations such as individuals who are at high risk for HIV and experience health disparities. Specifically, she is interested in HIV and sexually transmitted infection (STI)risk and prevention by considering individual-, interpersonal-, and structural-level factors.
- Contact: lnydegge@tuw.edu
Dr. Valerie Handley (Adjunct faculty, The Edith Neumann School Health and Human Services, TUW)
- Dr. Handley is an Adjunct Professor in the Marriage and Family Therapy program at Touro University Worldwide.
- Dr. Handley is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Associate in Texas. She received an M.S. in Marriage and Family Therapy from Friends University and completed her Ph.D. in Couple and Family Therapy at Texas Tech University.
- She has specialized training in microanalysis and her research interest includes SFBT and the LGBTQIA population. She was awarded the SFBTA research award for her research titled “Using SFBT and AAT with Sexual Minorities: A Pilot Microanalysis Study”. Valerie is passionate about working with student therapists and pursuing her research in SFBT and LGBTQIA issues.
- Contact: vhandley@tuw.edu
Dr. Nicholas Murray (Adjunct Faculty, School of Psychology and Business TUW)
- Dr. Murray received an M.S. in Motor Behavior from Virginia Tech and his Ph.D. in Performance Psychology and Biostatistics from the University of Florida. He is also currently the Director of the Visual Motor Laboratory at East Carolina University.
- Dr. Murray has spent his career examining factors that influence human performance in dynamic environments. This includes research and publications concerning cognitive motor control, visual behavior, and motor dysfunction.
- His primary research interest is to determine antecedents and consequences of an individual’s ability to function in dynamic situations based on physiological changes that can either facilitate or debilitate performance. The goal of this focus is to examine cognitive function and dysfunction through dynamic tasks, simulations, or in more static, self-paced laboratory tasks.
- He has extensive expertise in a variety of physiological and behavioral measurements including: eye movement measurement, muscle activity, neuroimaging (electroencephalogram), biometrics, and heart rate variability.
- Contact: nicholas.murray@tuw.edu
Dr. Nelson Perez (Adjunct faculty, The Edith Neumann School Health and Human Services, TUW)
- Dr. Perez is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Mental Health Counselor in Florida. He received an M.S. in Clinical Psychology from Havana University, Cuba and completed his Ph.D. in Family Therapy at Nova Southeastern University.
- He has specialized training in Narrative Therapy and Qualitative Research. His research interest includes the Cuban American Community, Stress and Health, and Culture and Family topics. He has participated in international and cross-cultural training and events.
- He has multiple supervisory and training therapists/RBT experiences. He is a Certified Systemic Supervisor for IFTA and he was previously awarded the Mentor Appreciation Award in 2020.
- Dr. Perez is passionate about training student therapists and counselors and pursuing his research in Family and Cultural issues.
- Contact: nperez3@tuw.edu
Dr. Glenn Zimmerman (Interim Director, Doctorate of Business Administration, School of Business TUW)
- Dr. Glenn Zimmerman specializes in teaching Business Administration & Management.
- He earned his Doctorate in Business Administration from TUW in 2021.
- Prior to his coming to TUW, he served in the Air Force for thirty years, retiring in 2013. During this period, he earned his bachelor’s degree in Business Management from Wesley College in 2003 and received his Master’s degree in Public Administration from the University of Oklahoma in 2005.
- He is a lifetime member of the Fairchild Chief’s Group
- Dr. Zimmerman presently resides in Spokane Washington where he and his wife own and operate a small family farm.
- Contact: glenn.zimmerman@tuw.edu